Transportation Strategies for the Chronically Ill and Disabled
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Transportation Strategies for the Chronically Ill and Disabled

Hi, my name is Jill. After my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, we decided that we didn't want him to spend his last few remaining years sitting around. Instead, we decided to start travelling. We travelled using many different types of transportation, and throughout our sometimes challenging adventures, I learned how to deal with transportation and Parkinson's. To help others who are in the same boat (transportation pun intended), I decided to create a blog devoted to transportation and chronic illnesses or disabilities. In these posts, I plan to look at everything from choosing transportation to travelling safely. Please, explore my blog and enjoy your travels!

Transportation Strategies for the Chronically Ill and Disabled

  • Tips for Completing Your Recreational Pilot's License

    27 December 2019

    Not everyone who pursues flight training decides that they're going to become a commercial pilot. Many people take flying lessons for recreational purposes. Gaining your recreational pilot's license allows you to fly a plane by yourself and take a couple of passengers along with you. It's a great hobby, but you need to complete your training before you can immerse yourself in it fully. If you're interested in completing your training, there are ways to make your task easier.

  • Two Situations in Which You Should Take a Taxi to the Airport

    15 April 2019

    Whilst sometimes, it is perfectly fine to use public transportation to go to the airport, there are situations in which it is better to take a taxi. Here are two such situations. You suffer from motion sickness Motion sickness is a condition that causes a person to feel extremely nauseous (and to sometimes vomit) when they are subjected to any type of repetitive swaying motion. Sufferers experience the symptoms of this illness most frequently when using modes of transportation like cars, trains and buses.